The Dark Convergence II By Jeff Kintz. Solution written by Snake Plissken 07 June 2009. You have survived through the events in dark convergence I, even if that has destroyed your sanity. The action begins in the alley which you now call "home". After giving a look around, EXAMINE CAN and TAKE ROPE. This item will be very useful later, so make sure you have taken it. Now go south, then go east twice. Enter in the dark alley and EXAMINE GRAFFITI. This is strange, isn't it? So EXAMINE WALL and... what the hell is going on here? EXAMINE FACE and TALK TO FACE. Wander around the city until an ambulance comes to carry you away. After they lock you up in the asylum, examine the cell you are in. You have to escape quickly! (For a nice and disturbing death scene, wait for some time) To escape you have to EXAMINE BED and DISASSEMBLE BED. Now TAKE PIECE OF METAL and UNSCREW DOOR WITH PIECE OF METAL. Free at last! Get out of the room and go east thrice. If you want to, you can examine the doors of the cells to learn something about the loonies that are locked there. You are now in the doctor's office. Feel free to examine the room and the metal door, then EXAMINE DESK and GET PAPER WEIGHT. Now go west until you arrive to the entrance room of the institution. Don't try to go out (otherwise you'll be captured) and sneak behind the guard. HIT GUARD WITH PAPER WEIGHT and EXAMINE DESK. GET ROOM KEY and go to the supply room near the entrance. Now OPEN LOCKER and TAKE OBJECTS. Again, make sure you have the rope in your inventory, it will be very useful soon. Now go back to the entrance room and get out of the asylum. Go south once, don't try to get out from the main gate or you'll be captured and go east. Now EXAMINE TREE. Mmhh maybe there's a way to escape! TIE ROPE TO PAPER WEIGHT, TIE ROPE TO BRANCH and CLIMB ROPE. Woo-hoo! You managed to escape from the dreaded mental institute. Go east once, LOOK and TAKE HOUSE KEY. Go east twice and enter the house. Inside the house, go east to the kitchen and LOOK. EXAMINE CABINETS and TAKE WEED KILLER. Now EXAMINE OVEN and OPEN OVEN. It looks like you have found the passage to the other dimension which the face was talking about ! ENTER OVEN and you have completed the dark convergence II. Thanks goes to Jeff Kintz for creating the dark convergence games (and many others, check them out) and giving me some hints for completing the game.