Dark Convergence by J. Kinzst Solution by A. Johnson 23/07/07. Look around. Examine the car. Head off to the right along the dark road. Take a look at the sign and go right again along the desolate road. Examine the rock, lift it and get the beetle. Go right to outside the house. Right again is an endless road, so instead of going there, enter the hallway of the house. Go left into the living room. Examine the clock and table. Examine the couch. Look under it and get the medicine bottle. Go forward and right into the kitchen. Examine the body and get the key. Examine the cabinets and get the jar. Get the severed arm. Go back into the hallway and up the stairs onto the second floor. Open the door. You are in the bedroom. Close the door and push the dresser in front of it. Look under the bed and take the hammer. Tie the sheet to the bed. Climb down. You are now on a path at the back of the house. Head left. You are now in the thick of the forest. Take the top right fork to the dark ravine. Go forward to the end of the ravine. Eat the beetle. Yes, do it! Push the orange buttons and pull the lever. Reality has been altered! Go back to the fork. Take the top left fork. Throw the arm into the forest so that the monster goes after it. Go up to where the path ends at a shed. Open the shed door and go inside. Look around, close the door and pull up the floor with the hammer. If you've done everything correctly at the ravine, a hole should open up in the floor. If not, nothing happens. Climb down into the strange reality. Go right into the orange corridor. Collect the fluid into the jar and break the container with the hammer. Go right into the orange realm and right again to the end of the corridor. Look around and examine the scientist. Search her pockets and get the syringe. Go back left to the orange corridor and get the fluid with the syringe. Go right then forward into the maze. Go right and stab the guard with the syringe. Go right, examine the eye and punch it. Go left and forward, deeper in the orange domain. Go left to where three bodies hang. Go left to the grandfather clock. Turn the hands of the clock to midnight and carry on left. Go through the strange door Game over. Until the sequel. ***************************************************** Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: http://solutionarchive.com