U.S. Adventure(TM) TITLE SCREEN OPTIONS: The first display you will see is Mount Rushmore being carved. After this is completed you may specify begin "NEW GAME", restart "OLD GAME"* or view "DEMO GAME" by pressing F1. *PLEASE NOTE: Saving A Game and therefore restarting an Old game is NOT possible in this emulation version. Your choice is displayed in the bottom half of the screen, If you have never played U.S. Adventure,watching the DEMO GAME-is a great tutorial. You may also select from the three levels of play "BEGINNER" "HIGH SCHOOL", or "TOURNAMENT" by pressing function key F3 In the BEGINNER level, you have unlimited access to all U.S. Adventure "HELP" options at no cost. You also have access to "HELP" options in the HIGH SCHOOL level, but you must pay a price in points each time you request help. The scoring potential in the HIGH SCHOOL level is twice that of the BEGINNER level. QUICK START INSTRUCTIONS: 1.Discover each state in the Union in the chronological order in which they were admitted. 2.Collect all the historically accurate events contained in many of the states. 3.Pinpoint in time the years in which the above mentioned events took place. All game commands are entered by moving a highlighted cursor with the JOYSTICK or the keys on the keyboard. Finalizing your selection is made by pressing the JOYSTICK button or the SPACEBAR on your keyboard. SHORT CUT KEYS: TITLE OLD, NEW, DEMO GAME F1 CHANGE LEVEL OF PLAY F3 BEGIN GAME F5 SHOW NEXT STATE H Pause SPACE BAR OPTIONS MENU F7 You may want to enter the following modes. Highlight your choice, then press Fire Or Left Control Key: SCORE 100 OPTION MENU STATE TRAVEL TIME TRAVEL TAKE EVENT REVIEW MAP DROP EVENT INVENTORY QUIT/SAVE STATES TRAVELING: By looking at the map can you guess the next state to be admitted? To travel to that state you must give simple compass commands: North, North East, East. South East etc. These commands must be given while you are in the Compass mode, so let's go there now. Press either the SPACEBAR, or, if you have a joystick, the JOYSTICK button. Voila the OPTIONS MENU. You can move to the selection of your choice by pressing the left or right keys on your keyboard; or,it you have a joystick, moving the stick forward or backward. Place the cursor on STATE TRAVEL and select this choice by pressing the SPACEBAR or JOYSTICK button. Pressing the Arrow Keys or moving your JOYSTICK forward or back will move your compass needle to the various headings. Let's try going North, Once your needle is pointed north, make your selection. Do you remember how? That's right Press the SPACEBAR or your JOYSTICK trigger. State travel is done one state at a time. Hey what's that? Pennsylvania is being admitted into the Union. This is the second state to be admitted. GAMEPLAY: The map screen will appear, showing your location. Let me think. What was the third state to be admitted? In the BEGINNER mode, you can ask for help by pressing the H key, and if you do so while you are reviewing the map, it will show you the location of the next state. Press the H key now.The next state should be east of your present location, but don't go there yet. Return to the OPTIONS MENU by pressing the SPACEBAR or JOYSTICK TRIGGER and select TAKE EVENT You should now see a series of events that may or may not be true. By moving your cursor up or down you can choose which event you would like to take. Choose the 'DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE' and one or two other events, then return to the OPTIONS MENU. Highlight the INVENTORY option and press either the SPACEBAR or the JOYSTICK button to choose this option. You will now see a list of all the EVENTS you have taken. These EVENTS have been listed in your INVENTORY in the chronological order in which they occurred. Look at the top event. This should be the 'DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE'. Do you know what year this occurred in? Well let's find out. Return to the OPTIONS MENU by pressing the SPACEBAR or JOYSTICK button. Let's hop into the time machine and TIME TRAVEL. Highlight TIME TRAVEL on the OPTIONS MENU and again press, you got it, the SPACEBAR or JOYSTICK BUTTON, By pressing the Arrow Keys, or moving the JOYSTICK backwards or forwards you can travel backwards or forwards in time in one year increments. By holding the SHIFT key down while you press the Arrow Keys, or moving the JOYSTICK to the left or right, you can travel backwards or forwards in time in TEN year increments. Every year you travel costs you points. Let's travel to 1779. When your Chronometer (that's a fancy word for time meter) reads 1779 press the SPACEBAR or your JOYSTICK trigger. Your INVENTORY will now be listed with either (P) for Past, (C) for Current, or (F) for Future. As you can see, that is if you stopped at 1779, there should be a (P) in front of the 'DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE' and (F)'s in front of any other Events you are carrying. This tells us that the 'DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE' happened before 1779 and the other EVENTS happened after 1779. Press the SPACEBAR or JOYSTICK trigger again to return to the OPTIONS MENU. Please note that the TIME TRAVEL option is still highlighted, so choose this option again and travel to the year 1776 and press the SPACEBAR or JOYSTICK BUTTON. YOUR INVENTORY: Bingo! As your INVENTORY is being listed, you should see a (C) in front of the 'DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE', signifying that you have pinpointed the current year for the 'DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE'. Go back to the OPTIONS MENU and select INVENTORY As you can see the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE is no longer in your INVENTORY. Once an event in your INVENTORY is correctly pinpointed in time the following occurs: 1.Your EVENTS counter (on the left hand side of the screen in the OPTIONS MENU) is incremented for each event to be pinpointed. 2.Points are added to your score. 3.The EVENT pinpointed ceases to exist in your INVENTORY TRIVIA: For every ten EVENTS you are able to pinpoint in time (you have to find them first), you will be rewarded with a TRIVIA BREAK. REVIEW: Before we try to find out which years the other EVENTS in our INVENTORY took place, let's do some more STATE TRAVELING. Do you remember which direction the third state to be admitted was in? That's right. It was east. Now travel east.See if you can do it on your own. You can always go back to the REVIEW MAP option and press the H key if you need help. Now that we are in New Jersey, let's take some events, but be careful. One of the EVENTS in New Jersey is a bogus EVENT It you choose an EVENT that is not historically factual you will lose all EVENTS in your current inventory and you will not be able to reclaim them unless you start the game over. You are now ready to travel on your own! GOOD LUCK! QUICK KEYS: Use Cursor Keys To Highlight Choices. Left Control Key Or Space Bar For Actions F1 To Start Game Hold Down ALT & Press F4 To Exit Game Hold Down ALT & Press ENTER To Toggle Full Screen --- PC JOYSTICK INSTRUCTIONS --- To use a Joystick or gamepad installed on your PC follow these easy steps: 1) From the game play console, Click Settings in the menu bar, right next to help. 2) Next click on Joystick Settings. 3) Choose Joystick In Port #1 drop down menu and select the PC joystick you want to use. 4) Select the same PC Joystick for the Joystick in Port #2 selection.